David Wiley is my teacher, mentor and ceremonial leader. His work is profound and life changing. If you feel called to his ceremonies, healing work or Grandfather fires, I highly recommend you honour that calling because it is Spirit and your heart-truth guiding you. Trust that guidance.
Since I had the opportunity to meet David, my life changed course, I began to have maturity and clarity of my mission and purpose in this life, which I thank him from all my heart. David is our spiritual and healing leader, He teach us how to be healers in the future, to support our community and the people.
He is the one who gathers and guides the entire fire community, with love and vision to fulfill the wishes of Tatewari and our gods, to continue the Huichol and Nahua traditions in an exemplary way.
He is the voice of Tatewari, Grand Father Fire, who teaches us how to remain connected to our hearts to gain balance and wisdom in our lives, to serve our community and the will of the Gods.
Many thanks David!
David is my spiritual teacher both in fire keeping and in weather working, if it were not for David I doubt very much I’d be the man I am today, David gives so much of himself to the people it is amazing to see, he’s one very special man indeed.
My experience over nearly twenty years with don David Wiley runs like a deep current through my life. His healings are profound and transformative. They’ve brought practical results for my health and also a more mysterious alignment with the world around me.
He is a teacher, mentor, and healer to me. His guidance and example have built me into a worthy person living a meaningful life, one in which I can, in turn, pass on this timeless spiritual legacy to others. He is an inspiring teacher and a good man. He has shown me how to learn.
If you have something to say about Don David Wiley and the work he does, please send us a recommendation, and we will be happy to include it!